
Showing posts from July, 2019

Keep Canada Great (some thoughts and a short story)

This is not directly related to learning and technology but is about the principles we all should learn. We celebrated Canada Day this week. I came to Canada back in 1998. I am Iranian and love that country and its people and culture. I am also Canadian and grateful to Canada for the life it gave me and all the things that make it great. I love Canadians and our beautiful country, but above all, I love the principles that are the foundation of our lives here: multiculturalism, freedom, peace, compassion, and respect. I love that around the world we are known as peaceful, polite, kind, and open-minded people. For two decades, I have lived here believing that Canada is a great place where people are free to have different opinions, religions, cultures, sexual orientations, and abilities while getting a fair and equal chance to live and grow.  But recently, I hear and see alarming things. Losing our right to decide what to wear under the excuse of secularism or the right to speak...