What truth can AI tell?
ChatGPT and other conversational agents (chatbots) based on artificial intelligence (AI) have experienced rapid growth recently. Their application and impact are being widely discussed, and so are the importance and ways to regulate them . When Geoffrey Hinton left Google with concerns about spam, government abuse, and super-intelligent machines, more attention was drawn to possible risks. Chatbots' shortcomings in giving an answer that can be considered “the truth” have been questioned to the point that Elon Musk is proposing an alternative to the existing products, referred to as TruthGPT. Such efforts aim at an AI that s not trained by incorrect, biased, or limited data and so can give the true answers. In a short article , Mark Bailey (National Intelligence University, USA) and Susan Schneider (Florida Atlantic University, USA) argue that chatbots shouldn’t decide what’s true. Their argument is based on the black-box nature of artificial neural networks that prevent transpar...